Stress Management – Yesterday we celebrated World Relaxation Day, a time to reflect on the importance of taking care of yourself and performing relaxation activities or techniques to calm the mind. In these times of constant stress and anxiety, it is widespread for symptoms of insomnia, muscle tension, digestive problems, and headaches, among others, to appear. All of this, along with emotional reactions such as sadness and irritability that the pandemic has accentuated, must be learned to manage. So, keep reading and discover all the exercises that can be done to address this state in the best way. Also, you can learn about the subject with our Master’s Degree in Holistic Psychology.

What Are Stress Management Techniques In Psychology?

The techniques to relax the mind are a series of psychological strategies intended to reduce the activation level. Also, they can be used as a tool to disconnect and order our thoughts, making our daily routine lighter.

These methods are indicated to improve problems of anxiety, stress, depressive states, tension or psychosomatic disorders. However, it is vibrant to note that these relaxation techniques are applied together or independently. In Addition, achieve a global form of physical, mental and emotional relaxation.

Quick And Effective Relaxation Techniques

Learning to relax has many beneficial effects on our physical, mental and emotional health. Knowing simple and easy tools to reduce levels of physical and psychological tension can be an excellent resource in situations of stress or general discomfort.

Next, we propose some exercises that will guide learning to relax in situations of concern.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This technique involves brief, low-intensity muscle tension exercises and extended relaxation exercises. The process is divided into three phases:

First Phase Of Tension-Relaxation:

Face, Neck And Shoulders

Repeat the tension and relaxation exercises three times at each point with rest intervals of a few seconds. You can follow the following order: forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, jaw, lips, neck, neck and shoulders.

Arms And Hands

Contract, without moving them, first one arm and then the other with a clenched fist. This way, you will notice the tension in your arms, forearms and hands.


Stretching one leg first and then the other, lifting the foot and noticing the tension in the buttocks, thigh, knee, calf and foot.


Cross your arms and bring your elbows back. The tension has to be felt in the shoulders and lower back.


Breathe in and hold the air for a few seconds until the chest is tense, then breathe out slowly.

Abdomen And Waist

  • Tense and relax the muscles of the stomach and buttocks.
  • The second phase: mentally review that each of the previously worked parts is relaxed.
  • Third phase: Create a series of relaxing thoughts and mantras.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

It is proven that proper oxygenation gives the body more energy, helps manage emotions and improves cardiovascular function. For this reason, in situations of tension, it is recommended to do between 5 and 10 abdominal breaths and expirations, slowly and deeply, from the diaphragm. In addition, various studies have found that slow, calm breathing softens the activation of neurons related to stress.

Laughter Therapy

Laughing and smiling help release dopamine, endorphins and serotonin, which relaxes the body, and lowers heart rate and blood pressure. Endorphins allow pain to subside, and serotonin acts as an antidepressant. So watching comedy movies is an excellent option to calm your mind and body in times of stress.

Positive Manifestation

Positive visualization is a relaxation technique that emerges from traditional meditation, in which concentration is focused on positive and pleasant images. However, this method consists of visually recreating happy moments we would like to live or remember from the past, paying all attention to the smell, touch and imagined sounds.

Yoga And Pilates

The mixture of physical and breathing exercises allows you to reach a state of adequate relaxation and help to control stress and anxiety effectively. Another great way to put these exercises into practice is through yoga or Pilates. These disciplines have different styles, forms and intensities where movement is controlled with breathing, concentration and awareness.


Stress reduction techniques are the need of the hour. However, many people are involved in depression and cannot bear the stress. The above-given techniques mainly help in pure stress management and assist in performing better.