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05 Feb 2025
eMarketer Blog

LinkedIn – one of the best social business application

With further than 500 million users, LinkedIn is one of the largest social networks in the world. So if you want to draw attention to yourself far beyond your contacts, you’ve come to the right place: Whether professional topics or other contributions, the reach is enormous. “LinkedIn has developed significantly in recent years,” explains Robert Kirs, founder and managing director of Social Media.

As an expert in social media marketing, he knows that the popular platform is no longer just suitable for networking but also offers different possibilities. Below, Kirs shares six tips on how entrepreneurs can make the most of LinkedIn.

The Importance Of The Personal Page

Many companies start by creating a company page on LinkedIn. It also makes sense since these pages are generally apparent. Nevertheless: LinkedIn is a social network that thrives on social interactions. Serious coverage is, therefore, primarily obtained through personal profiles. If you also share your content here in addition to the company page, you will benefit from the fact that many more people will see it. it also helps in providing the necessary privacy with lot of features to cover.

The Individual Profile Design

The basis of every LinkedIn marketing strategy is the personal profile. It contains as much relevant information as possible to achieve a high Social Selling Index – thus ensuring that the posts achieve a greater reach. A crisp pitch, for example, brings a lot. In addition, placing individual links under your user name is now possible to lead visitors to the desired page.The Individual Profile Design

Various Formats And Different Features

Users should make their content production as diverse as possible to increase their reach. LinkedIn gives various formats and various features preferential treatment – and thus help to pick people up and reactivate them. A good example is a live stream, which is relatively new to LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Event Ads

Of course, you can also advertise on LinkedIn. It is particularly worthwhile if an event such as a webinar, a virtual trade fair, or a live stream is planned.

Documents And Presentations In The Network

Valuable content such as documents, presentations, and product brochures that would otherwise gather dust in the company drawer can also be shared easily, quickly, and specifically via LinkedIn. In addition, it allows visitors who are interested in dealing with the information provided.

Other New Functionalities

Entrepreneurs should not forget that LinkedIn is constantly testing new functionalities, so it is essential never to rely 100 percent on the provided features. Furthermore, it is always possible that a part will be discontinued after a while – such as a story function, which LinkedIn has taken over from Facebook. Nevertheless, users should, of course, remain open to innovations.


LinkedIn is one of the major and the most prominent platforms for business people. Many people all over the globe use this application as their primary mode of usage. Everyone needs to understand the usage and the benefits. In addition, online development also provides a significant push for its success.

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